Your privacy and security

Servus takes your privacy and security very seriously. You may have questions about the new digital banking agreement and the need to accept cookies.

Digital banking agreement

Digital banking refers to online and mobile banking.   

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions for online and mobile banking, you can bank in-branch, at ATMs, or by phone. 

A digital banking agreement is common practice in the industry. It sets out the terms of use for online and mobile banking services including outlining the roles and responsibilities between you and your financial institution (in this case, Servus) when using digital banking.  

Members signed a DBA to use the previous versions of Servus’s online and mobile banking systems. This is a new banking solution, so you will need to read and agree to the terms in this agreement to use online and mobile banking.  

The digital banking agreement addresses relevant activities and risks that exist in an online environment, including the shared responsibilities for cyber security.

The digital banking agreement also satisfies Canadian anti-spam legislation requiring us to obtain your consent to install the banking app on your mobile device.

More information about Security can be found at     


To set up and use the new Servus online or mobile banking system, you must accept cookies. This acceptance is needed by the platform to begin your banking session.

Servus does not store cookies (information about your visit to the online banking system) and does not collect information about you through cookies.  

Cookies are pieces of digital data used by web browsers (Safari, Chrome, Edge, etc.) to personalize your visits and make it easier to visit the site again.  

Websites ask you to accept cookies to comply with privacy legislation. They cannot collect data about your visit without your consent. 

Storing passwords

Storing passwords in your browser is convenient but also comes with security risks. If someone gains access to your computer or mobile device, they can access all of your saved passwords.

Servus does not prompt you to save your banking login credentials. The prompt comes from your web browser.

Saving passwords with your browser is a personal preference. If you're not comfortable, continue to enter login information manually each time you access online banking.

For additional online security, use a third-party password manager and/or authenticator system.

Your responsibilities for protection of security are included in the digital banking agreement.

Security Guarantee

Servus does everything we can to protect your security. We have technology in place to protect your online interactions with us, as well as policies and guidelines to safeguard your security and privacy.

A large part of banking security is up to you. Only you can protect your passwords, access codes and personal identification numbers.

You are responsible for the use of your account and maintaining the security of your login credentials.

All cash deposits (chequing, savings, GICs) with Alberta credit unions are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation. Simply put, members’ deposits with us are 100% guaranteed by the government with no ceiling on the amount. This protects members against credit union insolvency. Protecting against cyber attacks such as phishing for member log-in credentials is a responsibility that Servus and its’ members share.

More information about Security can be found at